It's personal to us.

To put it plainly and simply: providers deserve much better tools to help them with patient care.

Although a software platform cannot by itself solve all problems with mental health care delivery, progress depends on that foundation.

Diverse team of 8 people with smiles on
Nathaniel Hundt, Founder, CEO

My mother, Dr. Betsy Katz, is a clinical psychologist practicing from her home office. I grew up wanting to learn about her efforts in this challenging field. We are on a mission to transform the mental health care experience for providers, patients, and organizations.

Nathaniel Hundt

Founder, CEO

Our Values

Hands raising up a heart


We partner with those who provide care. We seek improvement every day, problem-solving through collaboration.

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Shining star


We strive for consistency and dependability. We hold ourselves to a standard of excellence and accountability.

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Spoke and wheel connections


We are connected to people and places. We listen with empathy, understanding and a social conscience.

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Star growing out of a planter


We say what we mean. We assume the best in others, welcome input and make ourselves available to serve.

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Our Values

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We partner with those who provide care. We seek improvement every day, problem solving through collaboration.


We strive for consistency and dependability. We hold ourselves to a standard of excellence and accountability.


We are connected to people and places. We listen with empathy, understanding and a social conscience.


We say what we mean. We assume the best in others, welcome input and make ourselves available to serve.


Job Openings

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